Have been involved with accounting services since 1997. Worked for a Big4 audit company between 2003-2016 as the head of accounting services. Ursula has the highest European qualification (EQF) for accounting: Senior accountant level 6 (certificate nr. 105323).
She has accounting experience in companies from different business areas and she has very good overview about Estonian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as well as local tax laws. She has dealth with several financial projects and helped clients to find and implement suitable accounting software.
She worked as a lecturer of accounting programs and organized smaller trainings. She is also a member of Association of Estonian Accountants and is the head of Accounting Services Committee in the same organization.
My areas of interest
Each client is unique and I like to learn well about every new client: its activities, management system, internal processes and how it is all connected with accounting. I like everything about innovation. I try to promote innovative approaches in my work and advise clients about better ways for organizing their accounting systems and processes.
I have committed myself to improve regulations and quality of accounting services offering in Estonia.
I like to be in motion. Therefore most of my free time I spend running, bicycle riding, swimming or just hiking and photographing. I like to test myself in different activities. Recycling is a topic close to my heart. I always try to find environmentally firendly solutions. I enjoy doing craftwork in an unusual and smart way.
Books are no strange to me. I like to read and like everything that fills my spirit and can be classified as art.